[Constable/SI] UP Police Syllabus 2025 in Hindi PDF Download

UP Police Constable SI Recruitment Syllabus 2025 PDF Exam Pattern

Download Uttar Pradesh Police Constable SI Bharti 2025 Syllabus & Exam Pattern @uppbpb.gov.in, or @prpb.gov.in. Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board which is commonly known as UPPRPB is the responsible body for the recruitment in the UP Police recruitment process. Now UPPRPB is about to release the notification for the recruitment process of UP police in which they are coming up with a total of 9534 vacancies for the post of UP Police Sub Inspector (SI). This is a great opportunity for all those candidates who always wanted to make their career in the government sector now got a golden chance to make the best out of this opportunity. In India Government jobs are always considered as a reliable source of Income and police jobs are always considered as most respectable jobs and now all those who wanted to make their career in the government sector got a chance to make their career brighter by applying in this recruitment process. In this recruitment process, the first step is to prepare for the examination and have good knowledge of the previous year’s examination to have a better understanding of the syllabus and type of quinary.

UP Police Constable Sub Inspector Syllabus 2025 PDF Download in Hindi

UP Police vacancies have been released for so many different posts such as constable, sub-inspector, and so on. The written examination of all these posts is considered as almost the same in which candidates are asked a similar question from General Awareness (GK), Hindi Language, Numerical, and Mental Ability. For all the information about the preparation and syllabus, all the applicants are guided to read this article till the end to get a better understanding and to prepare well for the examination.

up police constable syllabus 2025 in hindi pdf download

UP Police Recruitment 2025 Constable/SI Bharti Notification PDF Detail

But before that candidate must know some important notification of this recruitment process which are-

Recruitment NameUttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB)
Organization NameUP Police Bharti Board
Name of the PostsSub Inspector, Platoon Commander, Fire Service, Driver & other posts
Total Number of Vacancies50000+ Posts
Notification of the Recruitment ProcessNA
Type of JobUP Govt Jobs
Location of JobUttar Pradesh State
Application Process ModeOnline
CategorySarkari Naukri
Apply Online DateNotified Soon
Last Date of ApplicationUpdate Soon
Official Websitewww.uppbpb.gov.in, or @prpb.gov.in

The stage of the selection

  • Written Exam
  • PET/ PST
  • Document Verification
  • Medical Examination

UP Police Constable/SI Exam Pattern 2025 PDF Download

The syllabus for the UP Police is realized on so many different posts such as Sub Inspector (SI), Constable, Platoon Commander, Fireman, Driver, Jail Warden, and so many others. The syllabus for all these posts is almost the same but the difficulty level may vary from each other. The subjects for which candidates need to make the preparation are-

  1. General Awareness/General Knowledge
  2. Numerical & Mental Ability
  3. Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Quotient Test/Test of Reasoning
  4. General Hindi

Subject wise UP Police Syllabus 2025    for Constable/SI/ASI/HC Post

The syllabus for all the subjects has been divided on so many bases in which candidates need to prepare themselves according to the syllabus which are-

The syllabus for General awareness in this recruitment process is –

  1. History of India
  2. Education, Culture, Traditions and Social Practices of Uttar Pradesh state
  3. Indian Constitution
  4. Indian Agriculture
  5. India and its Neighboring Countries
  6. National/International Awards
  7. Indian Culture
  8. Indian Economy,
  9. Population, Environment, and Urbanization
  10. Indian and World Geography & Natural Resources
  11. Human Rights
  12. Revenue, police, and general administrative arrangements in Uttar Pradesh
  13. Internal security and terrorism
  14. Cybercrime
  15. Demonetization and its impact
  16. Goods and Services Tax
  17. Social Media Communication
  18. Important days
  19. Countries / Capitals / Currencies
  20. Discoveries & Research
  21. Books and their author, etc

Apart from this, all candidates are also guided to check the news and the newspaper of the last 1 year for better general awareness.

The syllabus for the Hindi subject –

  1. हिन्दी और अन्य भारतीय भाषायें
  2. हिन्दी व्याकरण का मौलिक ज्ञान- हिन्दी वर्णमाला
  3. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियां
  4. तद्भव-तत्सम
  5. पर्यायवाची
  6. विलोम
  7. अनेकार्थक
  8. समरूपी भिन्नार्थक शब्द
  9. वाक्यांशों के स्थान पर एक शब्द
  10. अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करना
  11. लिंग
  12. काल
  13. क्रिया
  14. वचन
  15. कारक
  16. सर्वनाम
  17. विशेषण
  18. वाच्य
  19. अव्यय
  20. उपसर्ग
  21. प्रत्यय
  22. समास
  23. सन्धि
  24. रस
  25. छन्द
  26. अलंकार
  27. अपठित बोध
  28. प्रसिद्ध कवि
  29. लेखक एवं उनकी प्रसिद्ध रचनायें
  30. हिन्दी भाषा में पुरस्कार, आदी

Syllbus for the Numerical Ability –

  1. Number System
  2. Average & Percentage
  3. Decimals and Fraction
  4. Ratio and Proportion
  5. Profit and Loss
  6. Profit and Loss
  7. Simple & Compound Interest
  8. Time and work
  9. Use of Tables and Graphs
  10. Time and Distance
  11. Mensuration
  12. Arithmetical computations
  13. Miscellaneous

Syllabus for the Mental Ability –

  1. Logical Diagrams
  2. Analogy
  3. Word and alphabet
  4. Letter and number series
  5. Direction sense
  6. Symbol- Relationship interpretation
  7. Logical interpretation of data
  8. The forcefulness of arguments
  9. Common Sense Test
  10. Perception Test

Syllabus For Intelligence Quotient Test-

  1. Series Completion test
  2. Coding-Decoding
  3. Direction Sense Test
  4. Relationship & Analogy Test
  5. Spotting out dissimilar
  6. Coding-Decoding
  7. Blood Relations
  8. Problems based on alphabets
  9. Time Sequence Test
  10. Venn Diagram
  11. Arranging in order
  12. Mathematical Ability Test

Syllabus For Mental Aptitude –

  1. Public Interest
  2. Law & Order
  3. Crime Control
  4. Rule of Law
  5. Communal Harmony
  6. Ability of Adaptability
  7. Professional Information
  8. Police System
  9. Contemporary Police Issues
  10. Gender Sensitivity
  11. Interest Profession
  12. Mental Toughness
  13. Sensitivity towards minorities & underprivileged

Syllabus For Reasoning Ability-

  1. Similarities
  2. Differences
  3. Analogies
  4. Space visualization
  5. Visual memory
  6. Observation
  7. Discrimination
  8. Analysis and Judgement
  9. Problem-solving
  10. Relationship
  11. Verbal and figure classification,
  12. Arithmetical reasoning
  13. Arithmetical number series
  14. Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship

UP Police Exam Pattern 2025 for Constable /SI Subject wise Marks

After knowing about the syllabus candidate need to understand the examination pattern and the division of marks so that they can prepare for the subjects accordingly. The generalized UP Police exam pattern form –

  1. Numerical & Mental Ability Test consists of 40 questions which are for 100 marks total.
  2. General Knowledge consists of 40 questions which are for 100 marks in total.
  3. Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Test/Test of Reasoning consists of 40 questions which are for 100 marks total.
  4. General Hindi consists of 40 questions which are for 100 marks in total.

The total duration of this examination is of 2 hours which is 120 minutes in total in which the paper comes in bilingual format in Hindi and English.

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