{Apply} Poshan Abhiyaan Scheme 2025 State-wise Registration Form

Bharat Poshan Abhiyan Yojana 2025

POSHAN Abhiyaan is a multi-ministerial convergence mission that has a mission of achieving malnutrition free India. The period which has been set for this mission is till 2025. The main motive of this POSHAN Abhiyaan to reduce stunting in identified districts of India. This can be done with the highest malnutrition burden by improving the utilization of key Anganwadi Services and improving the quality of Anganwadi Services delivery. This scheme will ensure holistic development and adequate nutrition for pregnant women, mothers, and children.


Prime Minister Poshan Abhiyan Application Form 2025 Short Details

  • Name of the Organization: Central Govt of India
  • Scheme Name: Poshan Abhiyan Yojana
  • Apply Date: Link Activated
  • Last Date: Notified Soon
  • Category: Sarkari Yojana
  • Official Website: http://poshanabhiyaan.gov.in/

Poshan Abhiyan Anganwadi Scheme/Yojana 2025

This scheme has been running by the Ministry of Women and Child Development for three years. In the first year, this scheme will reach 315 districts, in the second district, it will reach 235 districts and then all the left districts will be covered by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in the third year. There are so many different schemes that are affecting the nutrition value of or nutritional status of 0 to 6-year-old children, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.

Poshan Abhiyan Scheme/Yojana Online Form 2025 Features

Despite all these schemes and activities malnutrition value is so high in our country. There is no dearth of schemes but a lack of creating synergy and linking the schemes with each other to achieve a common goal. POSHAN Abhiyaan through a robust convergence mechanism and other components would strive to create synergy. This POSHAN Abhiyaan has some major key feature which one should know before enrolling in this –

  1. This POSHAN Abhiyaan has a target of providing an apex body, will monitor, supervise, fix targets, and guide the nutrition-related interventions across the Ministries.
  2. The government is planning to map down various schemes contributing to addressing malnutrition.
  3. This scheme makes sure to introduce a very robust convergence mechanism
  4. This will make sure to provide ICT based period which comes with a monitoring system
  5. Through this scheme, all UTs and States will work in a meeting system for the incentivization of the states.
  6. Through this scheme, the incentivization for the Anganwadi workers will be possible which will happen through IT-based tools and technology.
  7. In this scheme, the eliminating of the AWWs registered user will happen.
  8. Through this scheme the measurements to improve the heights of the children at the Anganwadi centers
  9. This will make sure of the social adults
  10. This scheme will also ensure to set up the nutrition resource centers, involving masses through Jan Andolan for their participation in nutrition through various activities, among others.

Eligibility Criteria for India Anganwadi Poshan Abhiyan Yojana 2025

In this scheme, few guidelines have been provided to make the improvisation. These guidelines are-

  1. Yoga Modules
  2. Yoga for Children of age 3 to 6 Years
  3. Yoga for Adolescent Girls
  4. Yoga for Pregnant Ladies
  5. Yoga for Lactating Mothers
  6. Jan Andolan Guideline for POSHAN Abhiyaan
  7. Guidelines for Implementation of Incremental Learning Approach (2018)
  8. Guidelines for Organising Community based events (2018)

In this scheme there the target will be to strive to reduce the level of stunting, under-nutrition, anemia, and low birth weight babies. It will create synergy, ensure better monitoring, issue alerts for timely action, and encourage States/UTs to perform, guide, and supervise the line Ministries and States/UTs to achieve the targeted goals.

Main Points of Pradhan Mantri Poshan Abhiyan Yojana Registration 2025

The main pointers of this scheme are-

  1. This scheme was got launched by PM Modi in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan in March 2018.
  2. The main target of this scheme is to reduce the level of under-nutrition and all the other related problems by ensuring all the convergence of Various Nutrition-related schemes.
  3. This scheme of government targets stunting, under-nutrition, anemia (among young children, women, and adolescent girls), and a low birth rate.
  4. This will make sure to monitor and review the implementation of all such schemes which will utilize existing structural arrangements of line ministries whenever it is available.
  5. Its large component involves gradual scaling-up of interventions supported by on-going World Bank assisted Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) to all districts in the country by 2025.

Mission PM Modi Poshan Abhiyan Yojana/Scheme 2025

This scheme also has some main pillars of this mission which are –

  2. Convergence
  3. Behavioral change, IEC Advocacy
  4. Training and Capacity building
  5. Innovations
  6. Incentives
  7. Grievance Redressal

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